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Addicted to love? 10 questions to find out now!
So, are you addicted to love? Here at Romance Tracker, we know that the overwhelming power of romance can sometimes share similarities to the affects of a habit-forming drug, making you addicted to love and your significant other. If you’re addicted to love, the symptoms are easy to define . . . but overcoming a love addiction might not be as easy as defining it!
So, is there anything really wrong with being addicted to love? Well of course not, as long as you are addicted to the love of one single special person in your life! Being addicted to attracting attention and love from numerous people might pose problems, but you could say that every old-fashioned romantic in the world is, in a way, addicted to love.
So check out list below to see if you really are addicted to love . . . but if you’re in a healthy romantic relationship with the person of you dreams, don’t let it worry you. Being addicted to love can be healthy, exciting, and a wonderful testament to your romantic relationship!
1. You’re addicted to love if you just don’t notice other members of the opposite sex
After all, that special person in your life is the most beautiful image you could ever possibly wish to behold! Everyone else pales in comparison with them.
2. You’re addicted to love if your committed relationship is exciting to you
Being in a committed relationship with that special someone isn’t frightening to you, but rather is exciting, enticing and exactly what you want in your life.
3. You’re addicted to love if hanging with your friends isn’t as cool to you anymore
You used to love being with your friends and couldn’t imagine ditching them for anyone else, but hanging out with them just isn’t as important as being with that special someone now.
4. You’re addicted to love if you don’t mind spending your money or time
So what if you spend all day wasting time with your lover or spend a little too much of your hard-earned cash on dinner and other fun stuff? There’s no such thing as wasted time or money when it comes to making them happy.
5. You’re addicted to love if you want to impress your lover
Making yourself a better person in order to impress that special someone has become very important to you, and nothing makes you feel better than when they are proud of you.
6. You’re addicted to love if you want to learn all you can about your lover
A lifetime may not be enough time to learn everything you want to know about that special someone. Their likes, dislikes, what makes them tick . . . all are important to you.
7. You’re addicted to love if you start caring more about your physical appearance
Being attractive to your special someone has become extremely important to you, and you try everything you can think of to make them enjoy the way you look as much as you love the way they look.
8. You’re addicted to love if you care more about your lover’s happiness than your own
Making them happy makes you happy, plain and simple. Their comfort and happiness has become more important in your life than your own.
9. You’re addicted to love if everything around you reminds you of your lover
The clouds in the sky, the people who pass you on the street; everything seems to make you think of your special someone, and you can’t stand to be away from them.
10. You’re addicted to love if you think about your lover all the time
Maybe this is why everything you see reminds you of them! That special someone is always on your mind, and you’re addicted to thinking about them, even in your dreams.
The flavor of love: what does true romance taste like?
Before you laugh at the title of this post, “the flavor of love” is meant to put a smile on your face! We’ve looked at love from many different angles here on Romance Tracker, and sometimes it’s fun to ask a silly question about love to get your romantic wheels turning and unwind a little bit. So, it’s time to ask yourself: what’s the flavor of love?
By asking “what’s the flavor of love,” I mean that if you had to assign a taste to true love that most closely resembled romance and brought it to mind, what would it be? Is the flavor of love chocolate, or vanilla, or some other sweet treat? Or is the flavor of love more like wine or one of your favorite fruits? There are endless options when it comes to your definition of the flavor of love!
Just like every other aspect of a romantic relationship, the flavor that you assign to love is completely personal and different for every individual. No one romantic relationship is exactly like another, and when it comes to the perfect music, vacation spots, and foods to compliment your romance, the only requirement is that it makes both of you happy!
So, why don’t you ask your sweetheart what they think the flavor of love is? Can you and your lover think of any special meal or treat you shared together that could define your romance? The flavor of love for you and your significant other could be anything at all!
And if you don’t have a special flavor of love yet, it’s time to go out and find it! Why not treat yoursweetheart to a romantic dinner or snack tonight . . . and perhaps the two of you could discover the flavor of love together!
Love spells: cast a magic spell of romance
Magic love spells and love potions are the subject of countless stories, movies and daydreams. Who wouldn’t want to cast a magical love spell or drink a magic love potion that could let them attract the person of their dreams? There’s a reason why magic love spells are so popular in mass media: because they’re fun to imagine!
Real magic love spells and romance potions, of course, are hard to come across. While magic fairytale love and storybook romance seem undeniably real when we are children, the reality of a world that is absent of love spells and magic can make some people cynical about pure romance and true love.
But what if I told you that magical love spells, in a way, really do exist? And that you can cast a love spell of your own that can bring more romance, happiness and magic to your life?
It’s true! Although casting a real magic love spell doesn’t involve magical ingredients or ancient incantations, it can have magical effects on your love life. And the secret to casting your own love spell is in three simple steps: confidence, optimism and perseverance.
It may sound silly, but adding the magical combination of confidence, optimism and perseverance to your romantic life really can act like the love spells you see in the movies. And just like in the love spells from the movies, if you miss one essential ingredient before you cast the spell, it could all go wrong.
So take our word for it: there is a way to bring the magic of romance into your life and cast your own love spell . . . and you don’t have to go anywhere for the ingredients. But you will have to work hard to be confident in yourself and your talents, be optimistic the you’ll find love in the future, and never give up in your goal to find that perfect person. Follow those simple rules, and your magic love spell is sure to bring romance into your life!
Why having a sense of humor is important to your relationship
So, when life hands you problems, are you able to take them in stride and laugh off the inevitable, unavoidable hassles and annoyances that come your way? You see, some of the tricks to being successful in life are useful in encouraging romance in your marriage or relationship, too . . . and one of those important romantic ideas is having a sense of humor!
Learn to see the lighter side of things
In many instances, taking your relationship too seriously is more dangerous to your romance than not taking your relationship seriously enough. Developing a sense of humor about events that you can’t change is a great way to make your relationship more resilient, fend off a breakup or divorce, and make your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend more comfortable with you.
So, does that mean you should laugh off every serious problem that life hands you? Of course not! But having a sense of humor does mean that you allow yourself to see the lighter side of situations that you can’t change . . . and let yourself laugh off your challenges every now and then!
Don’t let minor annoyances gain control of your life!
Illnesses and threats to your relationship or marriage are hardly humorous, and laughing in the face of serious problems such as these would be silly and probably make your sweetheart feel pretty rotten. But taking smaller problems and annoyances too seriously is giving outside influences more control over your happiness than they deserve. By developing a thicker skin and laughing at minor challenges, you rob them of their power to control your life . . . and you make your romance even stronger!
So the next time you feel like getting upset over something that really has no consequence, try laughing at the annoyance instead. You’ll be surprised at how much it improves your life, your romance . . . and you!
L’Amour De Blog: 3 reasons why blogging is like being in love
For those of us who are addicted to blogging (who, me?) the symptoms of l’amour de blog are all too familiar. The lump in the throat and twinkle in the eye when we gaze at a newly-uploaded banner image; the sinking feeling when we realize that the day’s events will keep us from checking our stats for hours; the deep sense of pride when months of hard work and dedication translate into a modest jump in Technorati rank.
You unfortunate masses who’ve never experienced a deep, meaningful relationship with a blog have missed out on an achingly poignant truth: blogging is a lot like being in love. In fact, for thousands of dateless programming junkies across the globe (don’t look at me!), the blogosphere is the closest they’ve ever actually gotten to going steady.
So if you’re a blogger, check out the following list of the top three reasons why blogging is like being in love . . . and look closely for any familiar symptoms. If this post sounds all too familiar, your relationship with your blog may have already gone far beyond the platonic . . . and entered into the mysterious, intoxicating world of l’amour de blog.
1. In Your Eyes, Your Blog is Flawless
They say that love is blind, and nothing gives that old adage more weight than your infatuation with your blog. You’ve spent endless hours making sure everything on your blog is just so: the banner image, the buttons, the sidebar, the links. Heck, you even forced yourself to learn HTML just so you could figure out how to make the color of your anchor text match your blog’s overall scheme.
Yup, to you, your blog is beautiful . . . and that can be a good thing. But not always, buster. If you let the stars in your eyes make you blind to serious aesthetic problems on your site, you’re going to end up losing visitors. That’s why you shouldn’t always trust your own judgement when deciding what works best on your blog.
Just as you do when you start dating a new person, ask people whose opinion you respect what they think. Does your blog really look as good as you think, or are there changes you could enact to make it more friendly and functional?
2. Every Moment Away From Your Blog is Like an Eternity
The evenings and lunch breaks you spend with your blog seem to go by all too quickly, and when it’s time to leave the computer and tend to other things your stomach churns with a painful longing. You daydream about your blog when you can’t be in its comfortable embrace: about the next post you’re going to write, about rearranging the widgets on your sidebar, about getting that next big link.
Missing your blog when you can’t be near it is understandable, but remember one thing: time away from the one you love is necessary for your own sanity. Spend too much time with your blog, and your relationship will burn out and crash before the next Page Rank update.
So force yourself to spend time away from your blog and do things that normal people do. You know: go to work, play with the kids, get some exercize. Your blog—and the living, breathing human beings in your life—will thank you for it.
3. The More You Put Into Your Blog, the More You Get Back
Just like a romantic relationship, the more time and effort you expend improving your blog, the more recognition and approval you’ll get. Also like a romantic relationship, a large percentage of them end up failing because the participants just don’t want to commit to the amount of work it takes to really create something special.
The early months of your blogging relationship will sometimes feel like all work and no reward, but in reality you’re making a gradual investment that might not show returns until much further down the road. So don’t reach for the easy way out and ”divorce” your blog when things start to get tough. Remind yourself of why you fell in love with it in the first place, force yourself to write a few more posts, and weather the storm.
Remember: It’s the bloggers who are truly committed to posting, and who don’t let the rough patches get to them, who eventually find great success and happiness in the blogosphere. In the not-too-distant future, when you and your blog are celebrating your first anniversary together, you’ll be thankful that you stuck it out.
By the way, if you liked this post, you’d probably like 10 Reasons Why Blogging is Like Dating even more!
10 reasons why blogging is like dating
Hey, did you know that learning about what works and what doesn’t work in blogging is a great way to polish your dating skills, too? It’s true! At its core, creating a successful blog is about communicating well, connecting with your audience, and putting on your best face . . . each of which are great romantic ideas for improving your personal relationships, as well.
So does this mean that the most successful bloggers have the best relationships, too? I don’t know the answer to that, but it sure seems that Darren Rowse, Alister Cameron, John Chow and Dan and Jennifer do a great job of injecting the same creativity, passion and intensity into their relationships as they do into their ultra-successful blogs. Having a great blog may not guarantee that you’l have a great dating life or marriage, but following the same secrets of success will certainly put you on the right track.
Luckily, you don’t have to start your own blog to learn what those secrets are. The top ten are listed below, tested and refined by millions of bloggers across the globe.Whether you use them to improve your dating life or your blog is up to you. Just remember: you can’t kiss a computer screen!
Top Ten Reasons why Blogging is Like Dating
1. First impressions are everything.
Sure, you may have plenty of useful, exciting stuff to offer someone, but they’ll never get a chance to find out if you don’t set the stage with a great first impression.
In dating, that’s done by taking good care of your physical appearance, having a positive attitude, and showing interest in your date. In blogging, you need a clean, professional design, easily-accessible and interesting content, and a readily-defined subject so your visitors know what you’re about right away.
2. You should never pretend to be someone you aren’t.
Playing a role and acting like you’re someone else may get you somewhere in the short run, but if you aren’t the person you’re pretending to be, you’re going to get found out eventually. If you’re trying to fool your date into thinking you’re an expert on a topic you have no passion for, they’re going to figure your out sooner or later.
The same goes for blogging. Blog about what you enjoy, not what your think will bring you money and fame.
3. Finding the one for you can take time.
What are the chances that your very first date will lead you into the arms of your perfect match? Close to zero. That special someone may be out there, but you may have to search for a long time to find them. Just because you’ve suffered from a string of bad dates, you shouldn’t give up hope and stop trying.
Similarly, just because you’ve had some failures with different blogs doesn’t mean you should turn off the computer and quit. Finding your niche in the blogging world can take time, too. Your failures are giving you more experience, and that next blog just might be the one that takes off for you.
4. A bad reputation can ruin your chances.
Deserved or not, a bad reputation can sabotage an opportunity to start a relationship with an interesting new person. Sure, it’s possible to put your past behind you and become a better, more appealing person, but overcoming a bad reputation can take a long time and a lot of hard work. “Oh, I’ve heard of you” is never something you want to hear on a first date.
In the blogosphere, a bad reputation can be earned just as easily. Whether it’s through rude comments on other blogs or sloppy and unprofessional writing on your own, a bad blogging reputation can follow you around for years. Remember: everything you ever post online is going to be there for everyone to see for a long, long time!
5. Good communication is essential.
If you can’t communicate to your date about who you are, your passions and your dreams, it will probably end up being a pretty short evening. Creating a great romantic relationship is all about communicating, getting to know each other, and learning about what makes each other tick. Having a pretty face is fine, but without communication skills, you’re probably going to face a string of lousy relationships.
Communication is just as important, if not moreso, in blogging. You can distract a new visitor with flashy aesthetic stuff for a few minutes, but unless you’re able to effectively communicate to them about why your blog is worth visiting again, they won’t be back. And you might have great ideas for posts, but if you can’t write or edit worth a darn, who’s going to want to trudge through them?
6. You should concentrate on what you have in common.
Having things in common with your significant other is essential in maintaining a successful romantic relationship, and the old adage about “opposites attract” is hogwash. One of the best ways to capture your date’s interest and guarantee a second date is by discovering what you have in common. If you discover that you just don’t have any mutual interests or experiences, it’s probably a good sign that you just won’t work out.
Having things in common with your blog’s visitors is every bit as essential if you want to build a loyal readership. If you find yourself starting to post on things that have nothing to do with your readers’ interests, it may be time to close up shop and start another blog with a new subject.
7. “Playing the field” can get you into big trouble.
There are plenty of people who do just fine with juggling several shallow, uncommitted relationships at once, but that sort of lifestyle will never let them reap the benefits of a loving, monogamous relationship. Having multiple relationships at once will make you less emotionally satisfied, less financially secure, and more at risk for a long list of unappetizing hazards.
And the exact same can be said for blogging! There are a few examples of people who have found success by starting a dozen blogs at once, but most people who try that just end up with twelve crappy blogs. It’s better to concentrate your efforts on one blog, building its readership and then branching out into other similar niches when you’ve found success with your flagship.
8. There’s nothing more attractive than self-confidence.
Arrogance is never an attractive quality, but a healthy amount of self-confidence is extremely appealing on a first date. Showing confidence in your abilities, lifestyle and unique qualities makes other people more excited about learning about you, and a confident, upbeat person is just plain fun to be around.
Showing self-confidence in your blog posts is a great way to build reader loyalty and trust. Never second-guess yourself, put your own blog down or back down in the face of inevitable criticism. Instead, present your content as professionally, confidently and optimistically as possible.
9. You’ll improve your chances for success if you make sure things are right in your life first.
Let’s put it bluntly: if you’re having serious problems with your family, career or mindset in your own life, it’s not the right time to try to find a person to share that life with you. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t allow yourself to get to know interesting new people until everything in your life is perfect. I am saying that concentrating on building a successful career, a successful relationship with your friends and family, and a optimistic outlook on life will help out your dating life immensely.
If you’re thinking of starting up a blog, make sure you’re in a position in your life to take on the responsibility. First and foremost, never assume it will be a replacement for your career. The livelihood that supports your family will always be more important than your hobbies, but plenty of bloggers have let their addiction to the blogosphere negatively affect their performance at work.
10. Learning to love yourself makes it easier for others to love you.
That good old cliche about “love thyself” is some of the best advice you can get to build a better, more loving relationship. Feeling good about yourself, and being proud of the things you do, is a great way to learn to concentrate on your best qualities and share them with those around you.
You may enjoy blogging, but have you truly learned to love your blog? Do you feel good about its unique qualities? Can you look through the eyes of your loyal visitors and see what they enjoy about it? Being critical of ourselves and our projects is good to a certain degree, but make sure you allow yourself to be proud of your blog’s best qualities. Learning to love your blog will let you offer your readers more of what makes it truly great!
Hey, if you liked this post, you’e bound to like L’Amour De Blog. Check it out!
Top 10 ways to kill someone
Before you start getting nervous, I don’t plan on doing a post any time soon about how to kill your husband, how to kill your wife, how to kill your girlfriend, how to kill your boyfriend . . . or how to kill anyone, for that matter! I doubt those are the kind of romantic ideas our regular readers are looking for, and if you are, then you’ve come to the wrong place.
But search engines aren’t only used for innocent research, as I found out today. While I was looking through my site statistics, I noticed that someone found Romance Tracker today by typing “10 ways to kill your boyfriend” into a Google search. Apparently my post on the top ten ways to make your relationship completely UNromantic now ranks at number two when you enter that search phrase.
I don’t understand why Romance Tracker is ranking for information on how to murder your significant other, but I doubt anyone intent on spousal abuse is going to find any useful tips here. It did give me an idea for a quick post, though.
I don’t want to disappoint those of you who came here looking for ways to kill someone, so here’s another Top Ten List that might help!
Top Ten Ways to Kill Someone . . . With Kindness!
1. Read something nice for them.
2. Write them a romantic poem.
3. Give them a romantic massage.
4. Make them a romantic meal.
5. Watch a romantic movie with them.
6. Write a list of your favorite romantic memories for them.
7. Write them a romantic email.
8. Send them a romantic greeting card.
9. Buy them a bouquet of flowers.
10. Take them out on a romantic date.
Update: Now it looks like Romance Tracker is ranking for another disgusting search term, too.
Top 10 signs that you’re in love
Falling in love with someone is a wonderful, intense experience, but it can also be more than a little confusing to someone who’s never really had any romantic ideas in their head before. Love is an easy thing to define if you’re a wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend who has in your life already, but if you’ve never experienced it before, you might have a hard time figuring what the heck is wrong with you. Are you sick? Are you going crazy? Did someone cast a voodoo curse on you?
Well, probably not. The first early symptoms of being in love can mirror illness or mental instability, sure. But once you learn to really enjoy being in love and get used to the idea of having a little old-fashioned romance in your life, you’ll start to appreciate these weird new symptoms you’ve come down with.
So, are you really in love, or just infatuated? People who fall in love for the first time experience hundreds of unique and individual emotions, thoughts and feelings, but there are a few classic symptoms that most lovesick individuals tend to develop. Check out the list below, and if you have three or more of them, you just might . . . gulp! . . . be in love.
Top Ten Ways to Know You’re In Love
1. You’re in love if you think about them all of the time.
Well yah, I didn’t say that everything on this list would be profound or anything. This one is a no-brainer. If you love someone, they’re going to be in your thoughts all the time. In fact, you won’t be able to get them out of your head. Look at the rest of the indicators before coming to a conclusion, though, because this one could also mean that you’re just plain nuts.
2. You’re in love if everything reminds you of them.
Someone asks you to pass the ketchup and it reminds you of them. A flock of geese fly overhead and it reminds you of them. You get the picture. Oh, and for some reason, when you’re in love it seems like every new person you meet or see on TV or hear a story about has the same name as the person you’re in love with. I don’t know why that is, it just happens.
3. You’re in love if you care more about their safety and happiness than you do about your own.
For some weird and inexplicable reason, the whole “looking out for number one” thing you’ve been doing your whole life desolves away and gets replaced by an overwhelming urge to make sure that special person is as safe, comfortable and happy as possible. No, I’m serious. This totally because your number one priority. It’s kind of like getting super powers, in a way; you’d be amazed at what little-old-you is capable of when you’re trying to protect or provide for the one you love.
4. You’re in love if you start caring more about your own appearance.
Suddenly, without warning, you find yourself wanting to actually iron the wrinkled jeans that have been sitting in the dryer for the last three days before you wear them. If you’re about to see that person who you can’t get out of your mind, there suddenly seems to be a whole lot of reflective surfaces around to check yourself out in.
5. You’re in love if you’re actually interested in knowing more about them.
You can forget about the days when you went home from a date remembering absolutely nothing about the interests, career and dreams of the person you went out with. Finding out all about this fantastic person is your new favorite thing to do. If you could find a book detailing every minute detail of their life, you wouldn’t sleep or eat until you read every last paragraph.
6. You’re in love if you want to impress them.
You’ve always tried to be modest, but suddenly you feel like you’re a politician fighting to win the most important election ever in the history of the universe. You make sure that the faded newspaper article about you winning your third-grade spelling bee is left nonchalantly on the coffeetable when they come to visit. And you keep them as far as possible from that great aunt who loves to tell all of the embarrassing stories about you.
7. You’re in love if you aren’t as tight with your money or time anymore.
There was a time when the idea of shelling out your hard-earned money to buy someone dinner or a gift would have horrified you. Sure, you would buy an occasional round for your friends or bring grandma flowers on her birthday, but spending any more money than absolutely necessary just wasn’t going to happen. But now, no price seems too high as long as it makes that special someone happy.
8. You’re in love if hanging out with your friends just isn’t as appealing any more.
Remember when you and your friends made fun of the former buddy who ditched your gang to hang out with their new boyfriend or girlfriend? And when the thought of abandoning your friends to spend time with a member of the opposite sex seemed like sacrelige? Well you can try to deny it all you want, but you’re finding yourself constantly thinking about being with that special someone . . . even when you’re surrounded by your buddies!
9. You’re in love if commitment is actually starting to sound like something you could stand.
What, you commit to something that requires you to be faithful and responsible? Oh, the horror! What strange, evil spell has been cast upon you that would actually make you excited about a long-term relationship or even marriage with someone? Did someone slip something into your drink? Are you going insane? No. You’re probably in love, knucklehead.
10. You’re in love if you just aren’t noticing other members of the opposite sex.
Oh, the people you used to stare at are still there . . . you just aren’t noticing them anymore. For some bizarre reason, that special someone has suddenly become infinitely more attractive to you than any other person on the face of the planet. People who you used to think were good-looking suddenly pale in comparison to the one you’ve found yourself falling in love with.
101 fun, romantic names to call your lover
We’ve all seen it: two people who are madly in love and completely oblivious to everything around them, fawning over each other and calling each other pet names that make their single friends roll their eyes in pain. Heck, a few of us have probably even been that couple!
Let me get one thing straight: that kind of public display of affection isn’t one of the good old-fashioned romantic ideas we’re trying to promote on Romance Tracker. It’s one thing to be in love and be proud of it, but it’s another thing entirely to make everyone around you sick. Get a room, for crying out loud!
But having a secret, private pet name for your sweetheart really can be a good way to add a little fun and intimacy to your romantic relationship or marriage. Heck, even couples who promise themselves that they’ll never use sappy pet names usually use them eventually anyway! And here’s a warning: far too often, those cheesy pet names aren’t ones that we choose for ourselves. Sometimes we just have to loosen up a little bit, shrug our shoulders and learn to love whatever cutesy name our lover decides is best suited to us.
But remember: if you have to put up with sappy pet names from your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband you can choose a few of your favorites for them, too! Most pet names develop from unique experiences in individual relationships, and there’s no end of romantic nicknames that lovers have given each other. But there are a few stalwarts that have been whispered by countless lovers over the years.
So here’s a list of 101 of the most common fun, romantic pet names that you can use to flirt with your lover during those private times. Just choose carefully, and keep in mind that I say “private times” for a reason; bust out some of these sappy nicknames at the wrong time in public and you just might end up getting cold water tossed on you!
101 Fun, Romantic Pet Names to Call Your Lover
My love
Sweetie Pie
Baby Doll
My Little Cabbage (French)
Love of my Life
Dear one
Heart’s Desire
Honey Bun
My Sweet
True Love
Light of my Life
Object of my Affection
Angel Face
Little Angel
Little Darling
Little Doll
Number One
Doll Face
My Idol
My Everything
My Life
Object of My Affection
True Love
One and Only
My Passion
Honey Bunny
Dream Girl
Dream Guy
Woman of my Dreams
Man of my Dreams
Lady Love
Main Man
Main Woman
Sweet Potato
Stud Muffin
Sugar Daddy
Sugar Momma
Beautiful Flower
Sugar Lips
Hot Stuff
Don Juan
Sugar Plum
My Enchantment
Top 10 ways to make your relationship completely UNromantic
Regular readers of Romance Tracker may be used to getting daily romantic ideas on what to do to build a better relationship or marriage. But what about apathetic, emotionless people who need tips on how to make their relationships as unromantic as possible? Well, if you’re looking for some great ideas to totally drain the excitement and love out of your relationship, I’ve got some great news for you: building an unromantic relationship is even easier than building a romantic relationship!
Yes, it’s true! There are countless ways to make a relationship as miserable and unhappy as possible, and with enough time we could easily make a list of 101 ways to make sure your romance fails.
But for those of you who need to get started right away on making your marriage or partnership as unbearable and monotonous as possible, here’s a quick list of the top ten ways to kill all romance in your relationship.
Implement each of the tips on our list, but don’t stop there; coming up with new methods for destroying your relationship is easy as falling off a log! If you’ve got some fresh ideas of your own, don’t hog them. Share them with the Romance Tracker community!
Good luck. And remember: when it comes to making your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife feel completely unromantic, it’s the simplest things that make the biggest difference.
Top Ten Ways to Make Your Relationship Completely UNromantic
1. Never let your lover do anything for you.
Everyone needs to feel needed in a relationship, and one of the best things you can do to make your lover feel necessary and appreciated is to gladly accept their help . . . even if you can do something yourself. So make sure that you never, ever let your lover do anything for you that you can do just fine without them. Make them feel as useless, unneeded and irrelevant as possible.
2. Show absolutley no desire to learn about your lover’s interests.
Making an effort to learn about your lover’s hobbies and interests is a great way to show how much you appreciate them, add more excitement to your relationship, and learn new things. So whatever you do, stay as far away as possible from any topic that your lover shows even the slightest interest in.
3. Never try anything new with your lover.
One of the most effective ways to totally drain the excitement from your relationship and make it as monotonous and stale as possible is to do everything the same all the time. Trying something new and fresh with your lover is sure to make things romantic and exhilarating, so stay completely away from any activities you’ve never done before . . . like cooking your lover a romantic meal or giving them a romantic massage.
4. Make your relationship the number two priority in your life.
If your job keeps you away from home a lot or you don’t spend your free time with your lover, they may feel that they aren’t the number one priority in your life. That’s good. Making your lover your top priority is a sure way to add a ton of romance to your life, and it needs to be avoided at all costs. Make your significant other feel like the second most important thing in your life, not the first.
5. Never tell your lover you are proud of them.
A lot of people don’t know this, but “I’m proud of you” are probably four of the most important and romantic words you can possibly say to your lover. So never, ever say them. Make certain that your lover thinks that you aren’t proud of anything they do in their life: not their job, their parenting, and certainly not their dedication to your relationship. Never, ever, ever let them get the impression that they are your hero. Ever!
6. Never tell anyone how much your relationship means to you.
You may have to pretend to your lover every now and then that your relationship means something to you, but you certainly don’t have to do the same in front of your friends and family. Bragging to other people about how great your relationship is will make your lover feel appreciated if it gets back to them, so don’t let anyone else get the wrong impression.
7. Never do anything to surprise your lover.
Like we said in number three, keeping your relationship as predictable and uninteresting as possible is a great way to do away with every last bit of romance. If you ever get tempted to do anything even remotely surprising for your lover, like writing a romantic poem, get the thought out of your head immediately. Surprises make people happy, and happiness in a relationship leads to more romance. Heck no!
8. Never show your appreciation for anything your lover does for you.
If you followed rule number one, you shouldn’t be letting your lover do anything for you, anyway. But if they do trick you into letting them do something thoughtful, romantic, or nice, don’t show the slightest appreciation for it. Don’t say “thank you.” Don’t give them a hug or a kiss. And sure as heck don’t write them a thank-you note or send them a romantic card.
9. Never reminisce with your lover or bring up romantic memories.
People share a lot of romantic, unforgettable experiences with each other when they’re falling in love, and talking about them with your lover is a surefire way of rekindling romance in your relationship. Don’t tell your lover what your favorite romantic memories are, and never, ever remind them of any of the wonderful experiences you’ve had together.
10. Once you’re out of their presence, don’t pay any attention to your lover.
Making your lover feel like you completely forget about them once they leave the room is a super way to make your relationship completely unromantic. The lover who calls to tell their partner they are thinking about them during the work day, or even sends a few romantic text messages, is sure to build a much more romantic relationship. Make sure you never become that person!
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Does your marriage or romance need a relationship rescue?
Hold on a second, does your relationship really need rescued? You sometimes hear wives, husbands, boyfriends or girlfriends saying that their marriage or romance needs a “relationship rescue,” as though someone else has the power to save them. In reality, however, the only person who can truly rescue you relationship . . . is you!
In today’s in-you-face society, we are constantly faced with a media that showcases phony love and relationship doctors who claim to know how to solve your relationship problems and save your romance or marriage. They say they can rescue your relationship, when in reality they are only looking for better ratings. And the best ratings come from showcasing relationship problems in front of the millions of viewers who want to see romantic couples who have worse relationship problems than they have. Relationship rescue? I don’t think so!
If you really need your relationship to be rescued, you should look to yourself and your significant other before looking at anyone who tells you they are your only hope for a relationship rescue. Every romantic relationship is unique, with very personal and uniqe memories, events and dynamics. For anyone else to suggest that they are your only hope to save your marriage or relationship is plain hogwash.
So, does your marriage or romance need a relationship rescue? It very well may, but before you start looking elswhere for someone to save it, you have better sit down and ask yourself what your real problems are. The best relationship rescue always comes from the same people who need rescuing!
P.S. : Congratulations to Brian Wu, the winner of our big contest that ended today!
Making love: what’s your position on real romance?
If you’re a regular reader of Romance Tracker, you know that we like to focus on good old-fashioned romance rather than the physical aspect of making love. But remember, “making love” can mean many things, not just the physical act of intercourse. So let’s focus for a moment on how a truly romantic person can go about making love more prevalent in their life and create more romance in their relationship.
So, is it really possible to “make love” exist in your life, or is romance something that needs to happen on its own without your intervention? Well, a little of both. True, making love play a more active role in your life is greatly facilitated by a romantic partner to share a loving relationship with. But making love isn’t only possible with the help of a husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend. There are plenty of ways for single people to make love and romance a central part of their lives and make themselves more prepared for the time when that special person comes along.
And if you are lucky enough to already be in a romantic relationship with that special someone, then “making love” probably won’t be necessary at all. You see, when you’re in the presence of your sweetheart, love tends to happen on its own . . . and your only responsibility is to enjoy the romance! Making love as a single person may mean surrounding yourself with a romantic environment, but once you’re in a relationship, “making love” should take on an entirely different meaning!
Making love a priority in your life, whether you’re single, married, or dating, is the first step toward a long-lasting, committed relationship that will bring you more joy and satisfaction than you can possibly imagine. And before you start getting nervous, there really isn’t anything complicated at all about making love a priority. It just takes a little patience, a little understanding, and a willingness to appreciate the great things that romance can bring to your life.
So the next time you hear someone use the term ”making love,” look beyond the regularly-accepted meaning of the term and ask yourself if you’re doing everything you can to “make love” exist in your life. This might mean different things to you depending on whether you’re single or in a committed relationship, but either way I guarantee you that making love can vastly improve your life!
Romantic love versus platonic love
So, why does romantic love get all of the attention? While Romance Tracker deals mainly with romantic love—or love involving amorous and sensual feelings for a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife—it’s worth mentioning that romantic love isn’t the only type of love out there. Platonic love, which is the love you might feel for a close friend or family member, is also a very powerful emotion.
Since our subject material on Romance Tracker revolves around romantic love, you won’t see us discussing platonic love very often. But platonic love’s importance in our everyday lives and relationships is at least worth a closer look.
While romantic love between a man and a woman is usually considered the most powerful form of love, the strength of platonic love can’t be underestimated. Platonic love has driven parents, friends, and even soldiers to commit astonishingly brave and selfless acts. Platonic love, not romantic love, has been seen in powerful acts of parenting, camaraderie, patriotism, and friendship throughout human history.
While platonic love may not be quite as intense and blinding as romantic love, that makes it no less momentous. And, truthfully, the real romantic person is able to let romantic love and platonic love play equal, powerful roles in their lives. While you may hold romantic love only for that one special sweetheart, platonic love allows you to have strong feelings for countless other people in your life.
So the next time you are pondering the influence of romantic love in your life, ask yourself if you also concentrate on the equally important inclusion of platonic love. Allowing yourself to develop close relationships with friends, co-workers and other family members will allow you to add more platonic love to your life . . . and will help you learn how to be a more attuned, sensitive romantic lover, as well!
How you can take your relationship a little too seriously
Becoming involved in a serious romantic relationship can be a pretty overwhelming experience, especially if you’ve never had the privilege of being in love before. It’s hard to think of many things that deserve to be treated with more seriousness and commitment than the romance you have with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband!
The problem with thin skin
Like everything in life, though, it’s possible to take your romantic relationship or marriage a little too seriously. One of the most important ingredients in a successful relationship is the ability to laugh and have fun even in the face of problems. Thin skin, chronic jealousy and an inability to take stress in stride will all chip away at your relationship and make your sweetheart less likely to trust and share things with you.
External stresses are inevitable in even the best relationships. The words and actions of others, random events and even financial worries can be unpleasant to deal with, but taking them too seriously gives them power over your life and your happiness.
You decide how you feel!
Remember: no person or event has the power to make you upset or unhappy. The only person who decides how you’re going to feel . . . is you! Worrying or obsessing about things that you have no control over–and that your sweetheart had nothing to do with–lets those things affect the health of your romantic relationship.
Now why in the world would you want to let those pitiful outside influences have any control over the happiness of you and your special someone?
Trusting your sweetheart
For some people who take their romance too seriously, the root of the problem is fear that their relationship is going to end. That’s an understandable worry for anyone who values their relationship, but getting bent out of shape over any small event makes a breakup more likely, not less.
Trusting your lover, and being confident that they assign the same amount of importance to your relationship as you do, is the first step in denying outside influences any control over your happiness.
Rather than immediately getting offended or stressed out over something, ask yourself: does this really threaten our relationship? Is my sweetheart really someone who would let this have a negative affect on our happiness?
When you come to the conclusion that the answer to both questions is “no,” make yourself a promise that you won’t let this event have power over your happiness by taking it too seriously.
By learning to take things less seriously and laugh at events that are out of your control, you’ll make your sweetheart feel more trusted, more understood, and more loved.
The importance of complimenting your sweetheart
So, when’s the last time you gave your special someone a genuine compliment?
With good manners and politeness getting less and less common in today’s brusque society, even romantic relationships and marriages are starting to suffer from a lack of common courtesy and compliments. Sure, your girlfriend, wife, husband or boyfriend may already know that you think they are attractive or exciting or intelligent. But why should that stop you from using romantic ideas and complimenting them every now and then?
Compliments shouldn’t only be reserved for new acquaintances or people who you’re trying to impress. The special people whose support we sometimes take for granted need an occasional compliment, too. A simple “you look very nice today” or “I’m very proud of the job you are doing” can make your lover feel like a million bucks.
There’s no reason to go overboard with compliments, of course, and too many can go to a person’s head or start sounding cynical. But promising yourself to give your significant other at least one nice compliment a day is a great way to make your lover feel appreciated and add some good old-fashioned romance to your relationship.
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Why true romance in relationships is subtle, not flashy
When you consider how much importance today’s self-centered society attributes to independence and promiscuousness, you can understand why some people might think that old-fashioned romantic ideas just don’t exist in relationships and marriages anymore. The airwaves and the Internet are filled with examples of people shunning monogamous relationships and romance for self-gratification and indulgence, and romantic couples are usually presented as silly and out-of touch.
Luckily, however, true romance really does still exist out there. It’s tough to point out old-fashioned romantics not because they are on the decline, but because old-fashioned romance by its nature is really the opposite of flashy; romance is quiet, romance is patient, and romance is subtle. If someone goes out of their way to show the world how romantic their relationship is, it’s usually not real romance they’re trying to promote at all.
The flashy, shallow stuff may get the air time, but there are millions and millions of couples across the world who are dedicated to each other and who keep romance alive in their relationships in quiet, understated ways every day.
What is true romance? True romance isn’t buying your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend a truckload of flowers and presenting them live on television for the world to see; it’s giving your lover a single rose every week for the rest of your life. True romance isn’t declaring your infatuation for someone in front of an audience of millions; it’s being there for that special person every day, no matter how hard things get, and regardless of how many people know you’re doing it.
Once romantic gestures become widely publicized, they just aren’t as romantic anymore. You can be sure that every day, a million romantic stories play out in a million different places across the world. You’ll never know about the vast majority of them . . . and that’s part of what makes them so romantic! If you’re truly in love with someone, just making them happy in unique and romantic ways is a reward in itself.
So the next time you see an elderly husband and wife walking hand-in-hand in the park, or an adoring boyfriend holding the door for his smiling girlfriend, remember: that is what true romance is, not the over-the-top, flashy stuff you see on television.
A few huge gestures don’t make a person’s life romantic. What makes a romantic life is an endless series of subtle, simple, thoughtful acts of love.
The importance of holding hands with your sweetheart
Romantic touching is a vital element in every successful relationship, but far too often couples concentrate on just sexual expression when trying to come up with romantic ideas to introduce more physicality. The truly romantic couple, though, knows the importance of incorporating simple, frequent and random acts of touching throughout their day. A quick hug, a kiss on the cheek, and holding your lover’s hand are all extremely important parts of adding old-fashioned romance to your relationship or marriage.
The very best romantic ideas are the simplest ones, and you can’t get much simpler and meaningful than romantic hand-holding. Holding hands with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband is something you can do anyplace and at any time. It’s profoundly powerful in showing your lover how much they mean to you, and is a tasteful way to be physical in public without seeming too clingy.
Few issues inspire more smiles from a young couple in love than seeing an elderly husband and wife holding hands during a walk in the park. “That’s going to be us someday,” they say with a grin. But if you’re really serious about introducing romance into your lives, why can’t that be you today?
Unfortunately, hand-holding has become less and less common in a world that emphasizes individuality and self-reliance in relationships. Some people might think that if they are seen holding hands with their significant other, they might be looked at as too sappy or dependant. While it’s true that some people might make that judgment, why in the world would you let anyone else decide whether or not you should add more romantic touching to your relationship?
Holding hands on a regular basis will make you more comfortable with each other, soothe your mood during stressful times, and is a great way to show the world how proud you are to be with your special someone. If you aren’t in the habit of holding hands with your sweetheart, today is a great day to start!
When is the last time you kissed your lover on the cheek?
Before you roll your eyes at the title of this post, remember that frequent small, romantic ideas are far more important to building better relationships and marriages than infrequent, elaborate gestures like expensive gifts or vacations. And giving your significant other a simple, heartfelt kiss on the cheek is an extremely effective, easy way to show you love them many times a day.
While many people might think of a kiss on the cheek as something a parent or grandparent gives to a child, you shouldn’t be afraid to use a quick peck on the cheek to express your feelings to your lover when time or circumstances don’t allow for anything more. When we’re in a hurry, when we’re about to leave each other, or when we meet briefly and unexpectedly, a kiss on the cheek is the perfect way to say “I love you.”
And for those of you who are afraid of seeming to be too clingy in public, a simple kiss on the cheek is a tasteful, unsappy way to express your love in front of others. If you can get comfortable enough to add holding hands with your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend in public, you’ll be on your way to a much more romantic, fulfilling relationship!
The next time you feel the urge to give your significant other a kiss, don’t let anything stop you. If you do, you might be missing out on a chance to add a whole lot more old-fashioned romance to your relationship!
Turn pictures of your lover into a romantic scrapbook
Here’s a fun romantic idea I got from the special someone in my life who surprised me last year with a terrific, thoughtful gift that made me feel great. Being romantic comes naturally to some people, and she knows that showing an interest in your lover’s history is a great way to make them feel like a special and important part of your life.
If you’ve been in a romantic relationship or marriage with your sweetheart for any significant amount of time, I’m sure you’ve gotten a chance to see plenty of pictures of them from their past. Looking at baby pictures, school yearbook pictures, and silly old family photos of your lover is a fun way to learn about their past and laugh with them. And reaching the point where you’re comfortable enough with your significant other to show them your most embarrassing pictures marks a very important time in your relationship!
If you’re able to get your hands on a few dozen loose photos from your lover’s past, why not take some time to secretly put together a fun scrapbook of memories for them? Even if you’ve never made a scrapbook before, it’s very easy to do. Your local craft store probably has an entire section dedicated to scrapbooking, complete with lots of fun stuff to make a book with every theme imaginable.
For an even bigger surprise, you could do what my sweetheart did for me: ask your significant other’s family for fun pictures that they may have stored away to add to the scrapbook. Your lover will be amazed when they open the scrapbook of memories you made for them and see pictures they forgot even existed!
Dedicate a few private minutes every day to working on your surprise romantic scrapbook, and in a few weeks you’ll have a great romantic gift to spring on your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband when they least expect it. I guarantee your romantic scrapbook will be something that your special someone will love and save for the rest of their life. When you give it to them is strictly up to you!
How to write a romantic thank-you note for your lover
Thank-you letters are a quick and easy way to show your appreciation to others for their thoughtfulness, and few other romantic ideas are as affordable or affective at letting someone know how much their actions mean to you. Especially in today’s impersonal, fast-paced world, a few short, simple, hand-written thank-you cards are wonderful romantic ideas that will make a person feel great.
But unfortunately, many of us limit our thank-you notes to friends and colleagues who have done something special for us, or to people who give us gifts. Sending thank-you letters to gift-givers and other people is great, but when is the last time you sent a romantic thank-you note to that special someone who does more for you than anyone else in the world?
In many romantic relationships or marriages, especially ones that have gone on for some time, it’s easy for partners to take for granted all of the wonderful things their significant others do for them on a daily basis. While some of us wouldn’t think twice about firing off a thank-you card to a colleague who helped us with a business lead, we might overlook the fact that our sweetheart does much more significant things for us every day.
Regardless of whether or not your girlfirend, boyfriend, husband or wife has hinted that they might like a gesture of gratitude for the time and effort they put into your relationship, it helps to keep in mind that everyone–and I mean everyone–appreciates getting a “thank you” every now and then for the things they do. I don’t care if you think your love would think it’s sappy or silly to receive a hand-written note thanking them for being a great partner. I guarantee you they’ll love it!
And your thank-you note to your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t have to be for any specific, special event, either. Why not write to your sweetheart just to say thanks for loving you? Or for being there every day? Or for anything at all?
What form of a thank-you note you use is up to you. You could grab an inexpensive romantic greeting card on the way home from work and add a few short words of your own, or pen a long, flowery, romantic letter if that suits your relationship better. You know your special someone better than anyone else, and oftentimes a few short words are just as powerful and moving as a long letter.
Speaking of a few short words being just as powerful . . . I need to wrap this post up! Now go write your special someone a thank-you note, doggone it!
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Top 10 ways to hold hands with your sweetheart
If you’re one of the many people out there who think that holding hands is a simple, boring routine that adds nothing to a marriage or romantic relationship, think again! It’s time to stop worrying about public dispays of affection . . . and start learning how to hold hands!
Hand holding, if done correctly, can add a new dimension of intimacy and excitement to your romance . . . but only if you let it! There are tons of romantic ideas to transform regular hand holding into a passionate, playful experience that can add a much-needed spark to your relationship from the very first caress.
That’s right: there’s more than one way to hold hands with your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend . . . and lovers can find a unique method specially suited to add romance to any situation. Use the list below to come up with your own romantic ideas for holding hands with your sweetheart, but don’t stop there! Combine techniques, experiment and come up with your own hand holding ideas specially suited to your unique romantic relationship.
Top Ten Hand Holding Techniques
1. The Passive Hand Hold
This is hand holding in its simplest form: your sweetheart’s hand gently but firmly cupped in yours. It’s most appropriate for public environments where you want to remain tasteful and avoid looking “clingy,” but is still a great, effective way to add physicality to your romantic relationship.
2. The Intertwined Fingers Hand Hold
A step up from the Passive Hand Hold, Intertwined Fingers provides a firmer grip and an increased sense of intimacy. This type of hand holding is perfect while taking a romantic walk together, but it can have a downside of sweaty palms!
3. The One-Finger Hand Hold
Holding just one of your lover’s fingers is a more romantically playful method for times when you’re feeling flirtatious. This is the easiest hand hold for your sweetheart to pull away from, but is still a great way to add some fun intimacy to the mix.
4. The Massaging Hand Hold
Turning a simple hand-holding session into a relaxing massage is a wonderful romantic surprise to give your sweetheart. There’s an art to romantic massage, and an unlimited number of ways you can caress your lover’s hands and give attention to each finger. This hand-holding method is best used while sitting down!
5. The Two-Hand Hold
Here’s another technique that is tough to do while standing, but one of the best ways to add some serious physicality and intimacy to hand holding. Taking your sweetheart’s hand in both of yours will give them a deep sense of security, importance and calm.
6. The Palm Caress Hand Hold
This method is an intimate, secret way to tastefully caress your lover without being noticed by others around you. Starting with the Passive or Intertwined Fingers technique, use one of your fingers to gently rub your sweetheart’s palm in an up-and-down or swirling fashion.
7. The Kissing Hand Hold
The Kissing Hand Hold is perfect for intimate situations when you’re alone with your special someone, and is often combined with the Two-Hand Hold. Clean hands are perfect for kissing, and you should never be afraid to shower your lover’s fingertips, palms and wrists with romantic pecks!
8. The Gentle Pinching Hand Hold
This one isn’t right for every romantic relationship, and can be a little too playful and rough for some couples. But gently pinching your lover’s fingertips and palms, if done correctly, can be an exciting, fun experience for you and your sweetheart, as long as you make sure you don’t do it too hard.
9. The Warm-Up Hand Hold
When it’s cold outside, there’s no better way to warm up your fingers than by having them caressed and rubbed lovingly by your favorite person in the world. Don’t make your sweetheart use a heater when you have two perfectly good, warm hands to help them out! Combine this technique with the Massaging Hand Hold for a great effect.
10. The The Morse-Code Hand Hold
This is the most unorthodox and interactive hand-holding technique, but can be a heck of a lot of fun if you and your lover can master it. Agree ahead of time of a phrase that you want to share with each other silently–such as “I love you”–and assign it a number of squeezes that correspond with the syllables in the phrase. Your sweetheart will remember that when you squeeze three times it means “I-love-you” . . . and can respond with a four-squeeze “I-love-you-too”!
The importance of holding hands with your sweetheart
Romantic touching is a vital element in every successful relationship, but far too often couples concentrate on just sexual expression when trying to come up with romantic ideas to introduce more physicality. The truly romantic couple, though, knows the importance of incorporating simple, frequent and random acts of touching throughout their day. A quick hug, a kiss on the cheek, and holding your lover’s hand are all extremely important parts of adding old-fashioned romance to your relationship or marriage.
The very best romantic ideas are the simplest ones, and you can’t get much simpler and meaningful than romantic hand-holding. Holding hands with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband is something you can do anyplace and at any time. It’s profoundly powerful in showing your lover how much they mean to you, and is a tasteful way to be physical in public without seeming too clingy.
Few issues inspire more smiles from a young couple in love than seeing an elderly husband and wife holding hands during a walk in the park. “That’s going to be us someday,” they say with a grin. But if you’re really serious about introducing romance into your lives, why can’t that be you today?
Unfortunately, hand-holding has become less and less common in a world that emphasizes individuality and self-reliance in relationships. Some people might think that if they are seen holding hands with their significant other, they might be looked at as too sappy or dependant. While it’s true that some people might make that judgment, why in the world would you let anyone else decide whether or not you should add more romantic touching to your relationship?
Holding hands on a regular basis will make you more comfortable with each other, soothe your mood during stressful times, and is a great way to show the world how proud you are to be with your special someone. If you aren’t in the habit of holding hands with your sweetheart, today is a great day to start!
When is the last time you kissed your lover on the cheek?
Before you roll your eyes at the title of this post, remember that frequent small, romantic ideas are far more important to building better relationships and marriages than infrequent, elaborate gestures like expensive gifts or vacations. And giving your significant other a simple, heartfelt kiss on the cheek is an extremely effective, easy way to show you love them many times a day.
While many people might think of a kiss on the cheek as something a parent or grandparent gives to a child, you shouldn’t be afraid to use a quick peck on the cheek to express your feelings to your lover when time or circumstances don’t allow for anything more. When we’re in a hurry, when we’re about to leave each other, or when we meet briefly and unexpectedly, a kiss on the cheek is the perfect way to say “I love you.”
And for those of you who are afraid of seeming to be too clingy in public, a simple kiss on the cheek is a tasteful, unsappy way to express your love in front of others. If you can get comfortable enough to add holding hands with your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend in public, you’ll be on your way to a much more romantic, fulfilling relationship!
The next time you feel the urge to give your significant other a kiss, don’t let anything stop you. If you do, you might be missing out on a chance to add a whole lot more old-fashioned romance to your relationship!
Is hugging that special someone your first priority when you come home?
The world is getting busier and faster-paced every day, and adding old-fashioned romantic ideas to your relationship or marriage can be difficult if you have a hectic career or other responsibilities to worry about. On the one hand, part of being an old-fashioned romantic involves working hard to provide for and take care of your family.
But you need to balance that responsibility with paying enough attention to your lover to let them know how important they are to you. Your sweetheart may understand that work or other responsibilities keep you away from home longer than you would like, but do you make sure that they know how much you missed them when you were gone?
Whether it was a week-long business trip or a day at work, you should make sure that giving your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend a big kiss and hug is the first thing you do when you get home. Don’t let the distractions that took you away from the most important thing in your life continue when you return home again.
It’s never a bad idea to bring home a romantic surprise for your lover at the end of a work day or trip. Just keep in mind that the greatest gift you could give your special someone is the simplest and most inexpensive one: a hug!
How romantic massage can add more love to your relationship
It’s no secret that physical interaction and touching are romantic ideas that play important roles in successful romantic relationships, but you’d be surprised at the number of lovers who are hesitant to explore the wonderful world of romantic massage. Many fear that they might do it wrong or that a good massage is something that can only be given by a professional. Nothing could be further from the truth, of course, and romantic massages are easy to do, they make you feel great, and they are a wonderfully effective way of building a better loving relationship or marriage.
Many times, the setting and surroundings of the romantic massage are as important as the massage itself. Very few of us can claim to be a master masseuse (or masseur, for the males), and it’s true that there are many advanced techniques that might take some practice to get good at. But by setting the scene for romance before the massage, you’ll set yourself up for success and make your lover feel special regardless of how good the massage is.
Try to give your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband a romantic massage in a quiet, calm, warm place where they can close their eyes and concentrate fully on the experience. Don’t plan the massage session at a time or place where you might be interrupted, and make sure you’ve set a romantic scene beforehand. Soft, romantic music can help, as can scented candles. Want to surprise your lover? Have a romantic massage set up for them after they get through with a good, hot shower, when they are especially relaxed.
As for massage techniques, there are plenty of resources available on the internet and in the bookstore for lovers who want to learn how to give the perfect, professional romantic massage. But in reality, massages are a lot like romance; the trick is to ask your lover what they like, be gentle and patient, and discover great feelings together. There’s nothing wrong with buying a massage book or taking a massage class, but why not discover what feels good together?
You may be hesitant to try give your lover a romantic massage if you’ve never tried it before, but you’ll be missing out if you don’t. Trying new things together is part of building a better romantic relationship, and who knows . . . you might even get a romantic massage in return!
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The very best inexpensive romantic Valentine’s Day gift ideas
Valentine’s Day will be here again before you know it, and plenty of lovers will be out searching for the best inexpensive romantic gift ideas for their boyfriends, girlfriends, wife or husband. For many, Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year, and the need to do something to show their sweetheart how much they love them—usually by spending a lot of money on presents like flowers, jewelry, cards and candy—is overwhelming. But what if I told you that the most romantic Valentine’s Day gift ideas are really inexpensive? In fact, these gift ideas are so cheap that they won’t cost you any money at all!
It’s true! Just like a creative romantic Christmas for your lover, making this Valentine’s Day the most romantic your sweetheart has ever had is easy to do without spending a bunch of cash. The most romantic present ideas are the ones that come from the heart, not from the shopping stores (whether online or in the mall). So before you start looking for romantic Valentine’s Day gifts that will cost you an arm and a leg, instead take a look inside your heart and get inspired by the greatest valentine gift registry in the world: your own romantic relationship!
Every relationship is unique, with specific dynamics and events and tastes that you will find nowhere else in the world. That’s why the typical romantic Valentine’s Day gifts, such as diamonds or perfume, aren’t always the perfect idea for every single relationship. Sure, your significant other might appreciate getting something expensive and elegant from you on Valentine’s Day, but if they had their perfect wish, what would they really want Cupid to bring them? What is the romantic gift that they’re really hoping for in their heart?
Believe it or not, most women—and men—would much rather get a thoughtful and unique Valentine’s Day present that shows how much you care rather than something that is expensive and elaborate. While pearls, gold, chocolate and lingerie may make your lover smile, I guarantee that a thoughtful gift that you spend time on and put thought into will be something they will remember for years to come.
Before you start thinking that Romance Tracker is telling you not to buy your sweety a nice gift for Valentine’s Day, though, think again! By all means, if you find that perfect romantic present for your significant other, buy it, wrap it up, and put a pretty bow on it! But don’t just stop with that present your found at the shopping mall. Make your sweetheart’s Valentine’s Day one they will remember by also adding a thoughtful gift from your heart that shows them you put thought into it.
It could be a special love poem written by you, a romantic meal you put a lot of effort into, or even a romantic card with words of love to go along with your expensive gift. Whatever it is, it will make their Valentine’s Day special to have something thoughtful to go along with that giftwrapped box!
So this Valentine’s Day, remember that the very best presents are so inexpensive that they cost nothing at all. The best gifts come from the heart, not the store, and if you keep that in mind, you’ll make your Valentine feel like the luckiest person in the world!
Inexpensive, creative romantic gift ideas
Especially around Christmas time, there are a lot of people on the Internet searching for inexpensive romantic gift ideas. Unfortunately, far too many lovers looking for romantic gifts don’t realize that the most creative, romantic gift ideas don’t usually cost anything at all. Creative romantic gifts that truly come from the heart don’t need to be bought and paid for, but exist all around you and are just waiting for you to take advantage of them!
What do I mean when I say that the best romantic gift ideas exist all around us? Well any regular reader of Romance Tracker knows that we believe that individual relationships are as unique as a single snowflake, with different dynamics and experiences that make them unlike any other. Similarly, the perfect romantic gift for your relationship won’t be the same as the perfect romantic gift for another relationship.
First of all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with spending your hard-earned money on an affordable romantic gift for your lover, and no relationship would last very long if the lovers never went shopping for each other. During anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Sweetest Day and Christmas, you would be silly not to spend at least a couple of bucks on a creative romantic gift.
Having said that, however, your credit card is not always the best source for a romantic gift when it’s time to show your sweetheart how much you love them. If it isn’t the holidays or a special anniversary, why not get creative and put together a romantic gift for your lover on your own?
I can’t tell you what the perfect creative romantic gift idea would be for your sweetheart, because I don’t know the dynamics of your particular relationship. But I can tell you that the perfect inexpensive, fun gift idea is usually right in front of your face!
What kind of hobbies does your sweetheart have? What are some tastes in music, recreation and movies that you share? Where did you go on your first date? All of these are questions that you can ask that will help you come up with tons of great, inexpensive, creative romantic gift ideas.
So before you open your purse or wallet to buy something for your lover, consider how much more they would appreciate a creative romantic gift that you put together by yourself. Showing your sweetheart how much they mean to you by using your own creativity to create a fun, romantic gift is a great way to add some amazing romance to your relationship.
Update: Hey, but if you are going to spend some money online on a romantic anniversary gift for your sweetheart, I just found a great site that specializes in just that! Go check check it out for some great wedding anniversary ideas!
Flower delivery: buy flowers online to send your love!
There just aren’t many better ways to add a quick bit of romance to your relationship than a special flower delivery for your lover! Whether it’s an expensive bouquet or just a single red rose, when you send a flower delivery to your sweetheart at home or work, you’ll immediately brighten their day and show them just how special they really are to you. And with all of the different Internet flower delivery websites out there today, you really have no excuse not to send your lover flowers on a semi-regular basis.
We’ve said before on Romance Tracker that true old-fashioned romance is really about subtlety and consistency, not huge, over-the-top, infrequent acts. And on my recent radio interview, I mentioned that true romance isn’t illustrated by delivering a truckload of flowers to someone, but rather by giving someone one flower a week for the rest of your life. When you’re thinking about a romantic flower delivery for your sweetheart, don’t fall into the trap of believing that you have to spend tons of money to show your affection.
Remember, flower arrangements can be expensive and lavish, but you can also find affordable flower delivery options on the Internet and elsewhere that will let you show your love for someone without depleting your savings. Just like romantic jewelry, there are many different types of flower deliveries that you can choose from that range from an inexpensive single blossom to a lavish, extravagant bouquet of flowers. But do you really need to deliver a huge, expensive flower arrangement to show that special someone how you really feel?
I’d argue that a flower delivery consisting of a single red rose or other flower is every bit as effective at showing your affection as an expensive bouquet of many flowers. Subtlety is a very important part of real romance, and nothing sends a classy, subtle message of love quite like a single flower. If it isn’t a special day like an anniversary or holiday, and you’re just wanting to let your lover know you are thinking about them, then delivering a single flower is every bit as effective as sending a vast bouquet of flowers.
Just remember that even subtle acts like sending a single flower can be overdone in a relationship! Keep your romantic flower deliveries down to no more than once a week unless you want your lover to get tired by it all. Sending a single flower or a few flowers once a week is more than enough to show that special someone that you are thinking about them and making them your number one priority.
On truly special days, though, don’t be afraid to spend a little more money and send a more extravagant flower delivery. Go online and search for flower delivery sites that put together special arrangements and place an order for the perfect flower delivery to really show your lover how much that special day means to you. Paying a little extra a few times a year for a more expensive flower arrangement delivery is well worth it and will make your lover feel great!
So, do you need any excuse to send a romantic flower delivery? Of course not! Just being in love with your sweetheart is excuse enough, so go order some flowers to show them how you feel today!
Romantic Christmas gift: give a holiday present of love!
Before you check you calendar, it’s not Christmas yet . . . but it’s not too early to start planning the perfect Christmas gift! And while there are plenty of ways to spend money on an expensive Christmas present, here at Romance Tracker we think that the best Christmas gift costs nothing: and that’s the gift of love!
Romantic Christmas gifts come in many shapes and sizes (and with many price tags), and there’s nothing wrong with buying your sweetheart a pricey, romantic present to make your Christmas special. But before you start judging Christmas gifts by the price tags alone, you should also consider a few romantic Christmas presents that cost nothing at all—and can still do wonders for your holiday relationship.
Although Valentine’s Day and Sweetest Day are often thought of as the most romantic holidays, Christmas is an excellent opportunity for you to show your significant other how much you love them. Christmas is abound with opportunities to inject romance into your relationship, from romantic Christmas parties, to gift giving rituals, to snuggling up to each other in front of a fire. And who could forget the most romantic Christmas tradition: mistletoe!
As we said, the secret to giving the perfect romantic Christmas gift isn’t its cost, but rather how much thought and love you put into it. How about that romantic Christmas fireplace setting we mentioned earlier—wouldn’t that be the perfect setting to give a special gift? Or what about a surprise Christmas present of a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride?
Look around your community and your home for ideas for romantic Christmas gifts that are creative and will bring you and your lover closer during the holidays. A romantic Christmas present can take many forms: ice skating, building your sweetheart a romantic snowman, even having Santa Claus stop by the house to deliver a special Christmas gift! The possibilities for fun, creative, romance-building Christmas presents are endless.
So with the holidays quickly approaching, what’s on your list of ideas for a romantic Christmas gift to bring a smile to your lover’s face? It’s never too early to start planning a special romantic Christmas . . . and make your love the highlight of the holidays!
Win a romantic present for your sweetheart on The Prize Blog
Well, why not? If you’re a regular reader of Romance Tracker, you know that our philosophy is that you can find romance in just about everything around you . . . and that includes winning prizes! The Prize Blog was the second place winner of our Romantic Ideas Link Contest, and figuring out ways to make winning free stuff romantic isn’t hard to do. Any gift can be made to be romantic . . . and The Prize Blog lets you keep track of new contests to win lots of stuff to share with your sweetheart every day.
In fact, let me give you an example. On The Prize Blog’s front page today, they’re featuring a contest called the Atrium Miami Beach Sweepstakes. By taking a couple of minutes to enter, you could win:
Grand Prize: (1) winner will get a D&G Sunflower Print Mini Dress $525, Monique Leshman Silk, Beaded Top $418, Tom Ford Andrea Sunglasses $360, Chie Mihara Ankle Wrap $305, Missoni Summer Bikini $165, 6 pairs of Hudson Jeans $1200. Approximate Retail Value (”ARV”) of prize: $2973
Now tell me you couldn’t think of a hundred different ways to use those great prizes to add some romance to your relationship! And it doesn’t stop there, either. Brian, The Prize Blog’s webmaster, features unique new contests every day, from sweepstakes to raffles to drawings to everything else you could imagine. Bookmarking it and visiting it every day, like I do, isn’t just addicting . . . it could be very lucrative for you!
In fact, I’m going to enter Romance Tracker into a contest that’s running on The Prize Blog right now, with this post! If you have a blog of your own, all you have to do to get 20 entries in the contest is post something similar to the following:
”Over at The Prize Blog, Brian is having an awesome 6-day blogging competition and is giving away cash prizes, MP3 players, blogroll back links, Bloggeries Blog Directory listings and complete site reviews. This is one of the best blog contests you will ever find!”
And you’re in! Brian is giving a bunch of cool prizes away, and there’s a bunch of ways to win. Go check it out!
The ultimate guide to buying romantic flowers for your lover
Are there any romantic ideas quite like a gift of flowers to brighten your day, bring a smile to your face, and make you feel really special? Whether you’re a man or a woman , giving a flower or a bouquet to your sweetheart is one of the best, most inexpensive ways possible to add a little spontaneous, old-fashioned romance to your relationship or marriage.
Flowers are one of the few romantic gifts that require such little thought and yet still go a long way to making your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend feel amazing. Flowers are easy to obtain, inexpensive to buy, beautiful to look at, smell wonderful and can serve as a fresh reminder of your love for days. And with so many different options to choose from when it comes to individual flowers or creative bouquets and arrangements, you could get your lover flowers every week and make them seem new and unique every time.
If you’re a person who only buys your lover flowers on special occasions like anniversaries or birthdays, my question is this: why? Sure, an ornate bouquet may be a little too expensive to buy more than a few times a year for most people, but a single flower once a week can fit into anyone’s budget. There are few other gifts that you can spend only a couple bucks on and get such great returns from when it comes to making your lover feel more romantic and appreciated.
Roses are beautiful and might be the perfect compliment for your relationship’s style, but there are dozens of other types of flowers available at your neighborhood florist that can bring a smile to your lover’s face. Stopping by the flower shop after work or on your way home from a business trip only takes a moment, and with little more than the change in your glove box you can bring home a wonderful surprise to go along with that big hug.
And remember: flowers weren’t made just for men to give to women! A lot of boyfriends or husbands may feel a little awkward receiving a flower from their girlfriends and wives, but there’s no reason to. Flowers can be presented in a way that’s a little less feminine for men (you know, get rid of the pink bows and stuff! ), and women shouldn’t shy from occasionally buying their lovers a gift of flowers to show how much they care.
So if you’re only giving flowers on anniversaries and at funerals, you’re really missing out on a chance make your relationship more exciting, romantic and special. Start making it a tradition to bring a single flower to your lover once a week for no reason at all, and you’ll be amazed at how much magic you’ll add to your life.
But what kind of flowers are best to introduce into your particular type of relationship? Are some flowers better than others for different people and circumstances? You’re the only one who can make that decision, but classically, different flowers do carry different meanings. Below is a list of some popular romantic flowers and their meanings. But remember: when it comes to flowers, it really is the thought that counts!
Top Ten Romantic Flowers and What They Mean
10. Iris: Faith and Hope
9. Sunflower: Loyalty
8. Wildflower: Adoration
7. Lilac: “Do you still love me?”
6. Carnation: Fascination
5. Orchid: Refinement and Seduction
4. Lily: Beauty
3. Tulip: Perfect Love
2. Daisy: Innocence, Purity, Loyalty
1. Rose: “I Love You”
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101 ways to show your love
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It’s an easy thing to tell someone you love them, but a truly romantic person knows that showing your love is more important to a relationship or marriage than simply stating your love. “I love you” may be a phrase of only three words, but there are millions of different romantic ideas and ways to say it to your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband. Never limit yourself to spoken words when expressing your romantic feelings!
Showing your lover how much they mean to you every day will help you build a better, more romantic relationship, but it’s also addicting. Even people who have never tried to be romantic before will be amazed at how much more exciting and fun a relationship can be when just a little bit of romance is added to the mix. And being romantic doesn’t mean spending big bucks; in fact, the less expensive and more original a romantic gesture is, the better it shows how much you love someone.
Following are 101 inexpensive ways to say “I love you,” but they’re only the tip of a giant, romantic iceberg with limitless possibilities for you and your lover. Are they simple, common sense ideas? Well, sure they are. There’s no secret to being romantic, and the best ways of showing your feelings to someone are always the simplest ways. Promise yourself to try one of the ideas on this list every day, or use it to develop your own ways to show your love.
Saying “I love you” for the first time may be nervewracking, but dozens of opportunities for being romantic present themselves every day. Teach yourself to identify and grab those opportunities for romance and you’ll be amazed at how romantic and fulfilling your relationship will become!
101 Inexpensive Ways to Say “I Love You”
Write your lover an original, romantic poem (no matter how bad or sappy it is!)
Give your lover a romantic massage
Take an evening to learn all about your lover’s hobby or unique interest
Prepare a romantic meal for your lover (even if you’re a lousy cook)
Rent a romantic movie to watch with your lover (An Affair to Remember and Casablanca are great!)
Make a list for your lover of your ten favorite romantic memories of the time you’ve spent together
Tell your lover how much you enjoy waking up to them in the morning as soon as you wake up
Buy flowers for your lover’s mother to thank her for bringing such a special person into the world
Wash the dishes by hand with your lover, even if you have a dishwasher
Bring your lover romantic flowers at least once a week
Take your lover to a free museum or art exhibit
Make a romantic picture frame for your lover with your favorite photo of you together
Brag to your friends or family about how much you adore your lover
Make dinner for your lover’s family to get to know them better
Offer to give your lover a haircut (but only if you know what you’re doing!)
Buy the sappiest, cheapest greeting card you can find and add your own special romantic message
Make giving your lover a hug your first priority when you get home from work
Tell your lover that your relationship is your number one priority
Ask your lover to teach you how to make their favorite meal
Take your lover to a romantic park to push them on a swing
Save romantic souveniers from every date you go on with your lover
Take your lover on a romantic ferris wheel ride
Clean your lover’s car for them
Write your lover a “101 reasons why I love you” list
Kiss your lover on the cheek every day
Make a romantic scrapbook full of pictures showing your lover as a kid growing up and give it to them as a present
Buy your lover an inexpensive box of candy to share together (not just for Valentine’s Day!)
Build a romantic sandcastle together with your lover at the beach
Take your lover back to the place where you went on your first date together
Give your lover a romantic thank-you note for all of the happiness they bring you
Learn how to sew and surprise your lover by fixing a ripped article of clothing for them
Email or scribble down a snippet from a romantic poem for your lover
Whisper secret romantic words in your lover’s ear, even when you are alone together
Put together a romantic photo album of pictures of you and your lover
Put a smiling picture of your lover on your car’s dashboard
Take your lover on a romantic afternoon hike or walk
Have flowers delivered to your lover at home or work
Read romantic love poems to your lover and laugh together at how sappy it is
Try to knit your lover a horrible, romantic winter hat, sweater or gloves
Mail your lover a card or letter expressing your love, even if you live together
Put a gentle arm around your lover’s shoulders when walking together
Make your lover a romantic calendar with a different picture of you together for each month
Watch a romantic movie together and make a bowl of popcorn for you to share
Take your lover on a romantic drive in a rich part of town to look at houses together
Buy an inexpensive bottle of wine for you and your lover to share
Say “I’m proud of you” to your lover
Paint a picture for your lover, no matter how awful your painting skills
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper thanking your lover for everything they do for you
Breath on your lover’s hands to warm them when it’s cold outside
Make your lover a romantic CD of songs that are special to you
Pack a special, romantic picnic for your lover
Take your lover out to try one of your favorite hobbies or sports–or try theirs!
Tell your lover how much your first kiss or date meant to you
Use romantic text messages to send your lover love letters on their cell phone
Start a romantic blog for your lover with pictures and posts about your relationship
Express your love on a mirror or window by writing with a bar of soap (don’t worry, it washes off!)
Romantically kiss each of your lover’s fingertips, one after another
Learn how to play a song for your lover on a musical instrument, then surprise them with a romantic impromptu performance
Surprise your lover with lunch at work
Surprise your lover with romantic rose petals on the pillows at bedtime
Cut out small hearts from construction paper and leave them in places where your lover will find them
Email your lover to let them know you are thinking of them during the day
Plant flowers in your lover’s yard or in a windowsill planter
Draw a romantic, funny cartoon for your lover expressing your love (the worse the drawing the better!)
Learn how to give your lover an amateur manicure
Sing a romantic karaoke song for your lover the next time you go to a bar together
Have a romantic dinner waiting for your lover after work
Light romantic candles for your lover at dinner, bedtime or when sitting around
Learn how say “I love you” in a different language to surprise your lover
Send a romantic e-card to your lover’s email inbox
Shovel the driveway for your lover after a snowstorm
Surprise your lover by changing the oil in their car or rotating their tires
Ask your lover’s family about any special ideas for making them happier
Offer to paint your lover’s nails (if a woman) or to help him shave (if a man)
Bake your lover a cake and write a special romantic message in frosting
Play romantic music while eating together or spending time together
Cook for your lover in a way you’ve never tried before, like grilling outside
Ask your lover to dance with you to a romantic song while your are alone together
Take your lover for a romantic bike ride
Use creative romantic words other than “I love you” to tell your lover how you feel
Rake the yard or mow the lawn for your lover
Instead of store-bought flowers, make a romantic bouquet of wildflowers for your lover
Make your lover homemade candy instead of buying
Take turns reading to each other from a favorite novel or book
Buy a book of romantic art and ask your lover to look at it with you
Make a scrapbook of all the romantic notes and cards you’ve received from your lover
Take your lover sledding on a snow day (it’s not just for kids!)
Make plans with your lover for exciting and fun weekend dates for the rest of the month
Try an exciting new recreational activity with your lover that neither of you have done before
Call in sick to work on your anniversary every year just to spend romantic time with your lover
Find out your lover’s favorite drink and become a master at making it
Make a list with your lover of all the wonderful things you have in common
Go to the fair with your lover and win them a stuffed animal (whether you’re a man or a woman!)
Call your lover during the work day to tell them you were thinking of them
Put time and thought into making homemade jewelry for your lover (but don’t forget to buy the real stuff occasionally!)
Ask your lover for a picture of them to carry in your wallet or purse
Try baking a romantic batch of cookies or cupcakes for you lover
Sneak out to get ice cream to share with your lover
Take your lover to garage sales or flea markets to shop together for things you both enjoy
Play a competitive game with your lover, whether physical or non-physical, and don’t be afraid to lose
Make your own list of 101 new ways to be romantic with your lover!
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